Next Door Neighbors

Next Door Neighbors by the Editor

In the countryside of North America, in the year of 1909, there were 3 neighbors whose names were Ted, Sam, and Willy. Ted was a lazy man who had lots of money from his parents. Sam was carefree and declared that he was one with nature. Willy like to sleep a lot and whenever anyone spoke to him for over 27 seconds, he would start talking about his old war stories and how he fought bravely at the Battle of Gettysburg. One day when each of them was minding their own business, a covered wagon appeared on the horizon. The covered wagon came to their street and atop the wagon was a man whose name was Danny. Danny was a happy guy who came to this area because he was interested in buying a woody lot that was for sale. Since Ted was the owner of the woody lot, he met Danny at his front porch for an informal business meeting to negotiate the sale. After the sale was completed, Danny admired his new woody lot which was indeed woody and declared that he would build a house here.

Danny departed from his woody lot to ask his neighbors if they could help him clear it. Ted replied “I am very busy right now waiting for my new toy called an automobile to arrive, it’s like a wagon but without a horse. It should be here any minute.” After Ted was done talking, Danny looked for Sam. He found Sam lying in the dirt. Sam explained that he wanted to feel what the dirt felt when someone walked over it. Danny concluded that Sam was occupied and left to go ask Willy if he would help him. Willy replied “I can help for a little bit.” Danny led Willy to his woody lot. On the way they noticed a new Model T Ford in front of Ted’s house. Danny gave Willy an axe so he could start chopping down some trees. Danny left to go get another axe. Willy was sleepy so instead of chopping down trees he leaned against a big pine tree and fell asleep. Shortly after, the tree that he was leaning against started falling towards Ted’s house and smashed Ted’s new Model T Ford which promptly combusted. Ted heard a loud noise and came outside his house to examine his car combusting with a tree on top of it. This made Ted mad and want to do something violent. Then he saw Willy sleeping on the tree that had smashed his car and yelled at him and started chasing him. When Danny returned, he observed that Willy was gone and started cutting down trees himself. Afterwards, he asked his neighbors if they would help him build his house. Ted replied “I am very busy looking for a new automobile that will not combust so easily.” Sam replied “I am very busy having a staring contest with this rock. So far, the score is 7 to 83.” As Danny was walking away from the strange spectacle, he heard Sam shout “Ha Ha! I beat you again Rock-O!” Willy just started talking about his old war stories again. So, Danny left to make his house alone. After he had finished his house, he wanted to build a town called Dannyland.

He asked his neighbors if they would help him build a town. Ted replied “I am very busy planning a trip to Sears and so I am writing notes in the catalog so I know what to buy.” Sam replied “I am very busy getting Rock-O ready to do some courting down by the quarry where all those nice-looking Rose Quarts live. Oh Rock-O you mad lover you.” Then Danny slowly walked towards the door and left. Willy was sleeping so, Danny set out to build his town alone. He talked to investors, entrepreneurs, passersby, and families. Danny eventually had a nice little town that was only a mile away from his house. And there he lived next door to his neighbors Ted, Sam, and Willy. The End.